Monday, June 30, 2008

Final report

The Veggie Team won, as we could notice every detail about the four crimes: clothes, hair colours, frases and other crops.


What we did in the crime scene investigation was we acted out some plays that represented a crime and then we had to take notes about important things that happened during the crime, for example: we had to write down what the culprit said, what he was wearing and important things.

final bla...

we discoverd that the foot print didnt work and we needed more time


fin bla...

bla bla bla bla
blabla blabla :blabla
bla bla blablabla


To uncover the criminal we had to remeber several clues of the crime also wer needed t5o have a good memory and obse3rve well while they the crime was happening

Identifying blood

From 5 different types of samples we had to find which one was blood, to identify this, we used a microscope too look for red blood cells, Sample E was blood.
After this, we saw our own blood in the microscope.


We did blood with Miss STAMP saw saw the differences of real pig blood with other red substances using a microscope. we also added to blood some "agua oxigenada" to make a great chemical reaction. Finally we pinched our own finger to watch our blood through the microscope.

Thank you

Indra Aguirre Sankar
Sebastian Draaisma Rodriguez
Julian Abadia Sankar


how to identify a kiss
to identify a lipstick you need to use chromatography

you need 20 cm3 of acetone,a beaker a measuring cylinder a palito, a paper clip, chromatography paper.


have you had your fingers prinyed not


The first thing we did was to look at the clues that were left behind, that were 2 pieces of class that were cut out of the window at the crime scene the we put the two pieces of glass on a glass container with a light bulb and then we put a metal cylinder
on top of the light bulb that is on, when it heats up put the super glue on and let it evaporate.


Today! We investigated and analyzed the lipstick case samples , using the method of chromotography, we found out that the lipstick on the sample, was the same used by the daughter "The Assassin".

Mr. Sternman is dead, who killed him?????????

To find out the killer of Mr. Sternman we had to do some chromatography on different lipstick samples to find the one that matched the lipstick on the napkin found at the crime scene.
Chromatography is a process used to separate pigments.
We found out that the killer was Ms. Sternman (the daughter) we knew this because the separation of the pigments of the lipstick of the napkin and the daughter's lipstick were the same.




pigs blood

the pattern changes from where you drop the blood, you can vary it by flicking it, by putting in an angle because it spreads in the way you sent it. the height is the same, as well as the angle.

blood stains

height affect the shape of the stain, when you drop it from a high place the blood it expands into a star shape.
when you drop it from a lower height the stain is rounder.
when you flick it lots of stains appear and they are angled to the direction you flicked it.
when you stab (...?) the stains it splashes on the place
when you run the stains that are left are closer together than when you walk
when you write with blood, its not evenly spread...tan tan..... -_-

(thats cruel)... -_-

Pig´s Blood (Falling Blood)

We did falling blood with Miss ANNE. We found out that the higher the blood is droped the bigger the stain will be. It is round and will not be very thick. The lower the blood is droped the smaller the stain will be and it will be very thick because it hasent expanded. one problem we had was that the smell of the pig´s blood was really horrible and it was difficult to work with that smell. We also had a problem that the wind blew the newspapers. The speed also determines how the blood spatter will be. If it is thrown from a distance at a high speed, the blood spatter will be in an oval shape. Therefore is it is at a slow speed the blood spater will be in a circle shape.


Indra Aguirre Sankar
Sebastian Draaisma Rodriguez
Julian Abadia Sankar

Falling blood

we found out that the height affects the size of the blood: as the height increases the blood stain is bigger. this is because the fall takes longer and it gives the force of gravity to increase the speed on the blood and have a stronger splat. if you run the pattern and the size of the blood drops is irregular. the size of the blood stain also depends on the amount of blood dropped.

Mr. Davison is dead

We have found out that the 2 persons guilty for murder of Phil Davison are Andrea and Tamara from year ten,
We discovered this by comparing fingerprints.

lips identification

To find the criminal we found some samples of suspects that were related to the crime.
We found out that Tamara was the one who stole the diamonds. To find this, we compared samples of lips with the crime's lips.

how to identify a kiss

to identify a lipstick mark you have to notice four things: the length, the height, the shape and the lines. the lines could be:
small vertical
long vertical
rectangle crossed
diamond crossed.
and other tie of things

Lipstick Paterns

We did chromatography using lipstick paterns with miss VILLASANA. We had to pay close atention to the different characteristics each lips may have. for example: Short vertical lines, long vertical lines, rectangular criss cross, diamond criss cross and branching. As well as lenght and height. We had to make the different drawings of the different lips in a piece of paper to be able to watch the difference and to have evidence. The crime in this case was a stolen diamondnecklase and the clue was that the thief left her glass of lemonade with her lips prints of it.


Indra Aguirre Sankar
Sebastian Draaisma Rodriguez
Julian Abadia Sankar

Using Blood of Pig

using the blood of the pigs is great!!! awsome i like it !!! Wooooow it is grat, it is faboulous, it is fantaboulous.

I love pigs blood!!!

Que viva SPIDER PIG!!!!

Fingerprints for a death!

We did an investigation of Mr.Davisons death, what we did was we took various fingerprints for the students from year 8, year 9 and year 10. The items we used were: a piece of paper, pencils and tape, so what we did was we asked the students too place their fingerprint on the line of pencil lead and then we placed their fingerprint on tape and then compared the fingerprints from the culprits. So we found out that the people that were guilty were Tamara from year 10 and Andrea from year 10.

Finger Prints

Someone killed Mr. Phil and we solved who it was by using the suspects finger prints we took everyones fingerprints and we matched them with the ones we had, we did this by rubbing our fingers in pencil lead and sticking it in tape this allowed us to see the lines of the finger prints and to match them.

Blood Spread

We tested amounts of blood spread we tested running height and steep. We found out that when blood is spread while running it is more dispersed, when you spread blood high the spread is bigger and when the blood spread is low is smaller.

Lipstick (Chromatography)

We did chromatography tests with Miss JIMENEZ. There was a murder of a vey rich man calle Mr Sternman. There were 3 possible murders, his wife, his daughter and his attorney. We finally analised that the lipstick found on the crime scene was the same as the daughters. We discovered this using acetone to make a filter paper wet. We think that chromatology is a very fun and intresting way of finding a murder.


Indra Aguirre Sankar-
Sebastian Draaisma Rodriguez
Julian Abadia Sankar

blood splatter

we did several tests of blood falling, we tried many different angles and situations , then we compared them and noticed the difference between them.
our conclusion is that the higher the person who spilled the blood is the less speed the blodd has and the different it will look.

blood spatter

i think using a pigs blood just to do an experiment which results people already know using an inocent pigs blood. i find it horrible what did thet pig do. he was no less important than a person

lipstick chromatography

to find the assassin of mr. Sternman we did it by using chromatography on a piece of lipstick the assassin left behind on a napkin. we needed to use acetone to find out who it was from 3 different suspects. the suspects were:ms justice, the daughter and wife. we used a beaker with acetone to compare the 3 samples and the killer´s mark. we found out that it was the daughter.



lipstick chromatography

to find out the killer of Mr. Sternman we had to do some chromatography on different lipstick samples to find the one that matched the lipstick on the napkin found at the crime scene.
Chromatography is a process used to separate pigments.
We found out that the killer was Ms. Sternman (the daughter) we knew this because the separation of the pigments of the lipstick of the napkin and the daughter's lipstick were the same.


we made a footprint on the ground, then, with the material provided we made "pasta" that we poured and modeled in the footprint, then we let it dry.

crimes and details about each one

crime #1 :Blond boy with blue sweater has a gun,he is with a boy wearing a green sweater. They talk and a boy in green walks by, he gives the boy with blue a packet of drugs then he shoots him.

Crime #2: A boy with a moustache has a gun hidden in his pocket,he is next to a boy with a brown sweater a girl walks by and the guy with the gun asks hers the time and then tries to soot her unless she gives him her bag.

crime#3:two boys are sitting in a restaurant and a boy with a moustache dressed in green comes in, walks to the cachier, asks for the money with a gun in his right hand. when the money is handed in the moustache boy tells the cachier to lay on the floor with his hands in his head, then the boy in moustache runs away.

Review on Footprints

We made some footprints on mud and on a piece of paper. On the footprint that was left on the mud we added some plaster powder and water and waited for it to dry. When it was dried out we took off the plaster and compare it with the one we put on the piece of paper.

Indra Aguirre Sankar- Forensic Scientist
Sebastian Draaisma Rodriguez- Detective
Julian Abadia Sankar- Mad Psycologist.


today we did some footprints, to make our footprints effective we had to moist the soil and move it so that our foot would mark on the floor. Then we created a mixture of water and pasta paris which has to be a thick liquid so that it works better ( it will take 3 months to dry :) )

Crime scenes

These are the crime scenes that Veggie CSI SQUAD was involved:

  1. A man with a coat sells cocaine to a guy who was later shot by a cop, and took the cocaine.
  2. Small funny guy enters Macdonald's and assaults the cashier.
  3. A woman with a gun hits a girl that was just getting out of the bank and steels her money.

Crimes Observations

Number 1
People possibly selling drugs, cocaine, guy in green jacket selling drugs, guy who shoots had a navy blue jumper, guy who takes the drugs has a grey shirt and kakies.

Number 2
Ipod and cell phone was stolen at 8:42m, the victim was a girl.

Number 4
Girl who got robed fell uncontious after being hit with a gun

introdution to our team

Our SQUAD Members:
  • Maria Sanchez
  • Patricio Rivero
  • Patricio Margain
  • Arutro Lopez
  • Sebastian Neyra
On this activity we will do:
Observing crimes
Falling blood..

Las Vegas P.D. Crime Lab

we are :
We are going to observe crimes and investigate about blood spatter and fingerprints in several crimes.

team members and what we are going to do

dante- gun expert
uriel- autopsy expert
arturo- foot print expert
paloma- homicide expert
mariana- detective!!!!!

falling blood

Falling Blood

Fernando Sarinana Javier Gavaldon Gerardo Segobia Esteban Zelaya

members and info of our team

Members: Andrea Robledo Cruz (team leader)
Tamara Chula (undercover agent)
Fernanda Campeche (bait)
Florentina Santaolalla (forensic)
Rebeca Ruiz (gun expert)

Plan: Footprint
Chromatography- blood identification
Falling blood- lipstick marks

Plan for Crime Scene Investigation

Team Members:
Indra Aguirre Sankar - Forensic scientist
Sebastian Draaisma Rodriguez - Detective
Julian Abadia Sankar - Physologyst

during the morning

Footprints and lipstick paterns (Chromatology)

During the afternoon

Falling Blood

First Investigation

Lalo, Pablo, Seb and Rafa.

We going to investigate and observe a crime, we are also investigate fingerprints and chromatography.

Lalo and Pablo are experts with fingerprints .
Rafa is an expert on chromatography.
Seb is an expert on blood.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

CSI Blog

This blog is your investigator's notebook. You can keep track of the developmnets in your investigations and share discoveries with other groups from different CSI offices around the country. You are able to comment on any posts, but remember to have evidence to support what you say.